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2024-02-12 07:47:16
美[səbmɜːʃn]  英[səbmɜːʃn]
n.  浸没;淹没


  1. sinking until covered completely with water
  2. the act of wetting something by submerging it


  1. Moreover, what is an obscure corner in such a submersion of joy? 更何况在一片欢乐中一个阴暗的角落又算得了什么?
  2. An unextinguished fire also contributed to the ship’s submersion. 无法扑灭的大火也促使这艘轮船沉没水中。
  3. Background Drowning is defined as death due to submersion in liquid. 背景:溺死是指淹没于液体之中发生的死亡。
  4. Vetiveria zizanioides can survive after 5 months of complete submersion. 实验结果表明 ;香根草完全淹水 5个月仍能存活 .
  5. Dying process includes paint dying (by roll) and one (by submersion). 涂料染色工艺分为涂料轧染和涂料浸染两种。
  6. This treatment may be used in full bath, sitz bath, foot bath or for hand and arm submersion. 这种浴疗法可用于全身浴、坐浴、足浴或手臂浸泡。