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2024-02-12 07:58:16
美[səbmɪsɪvli]  英[səbmɪsɪvli]
adv.  顺从地;服从地


  1. in a servile manner;

    "he always acts so deferentially around his supervisor"


  1. To act submissively or obsequiously in order to gain favor. 奉承,拍马屁:为了获取好感而装出顺从的或奉承的样子。
  2. If we go back on {{our word, I will abdicate submissively. 如果我们回去在{之上{我们所说的话,我将会服从的放弃。
  3. The son, with his eyes on the door, walked submissively after her. 儿子低垂着眼睛,不慌不忙地跟在她后面。
  4. Although he is not promising, he is unwilling to shrink back submissively. 他虽然没什么出息,但也不愿卑恭屈节。
  5. Defiantly they have spoken, but submissively they will accept the terms. 尽管他们嘴巴很硬,但是最后他们一定会乖乖地接受条款。
  6. She is both poised and uptight,both intellectually curious and submissively ladylike. 她是既镇静又紧张的,既有求知欲又似顺从的贵妇人。