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2024-02-12 08:00:16
美[səbmɪt]  英[səbmɪt]
vt.  使服从;使屈服;提交;递交;认为
vi.  屈从
  名词:submittal  过去式:submitted  过去分词:submitted  现在分词:submitting  第三人称单数:submits


  1. 使服从,使屈服
  2. 使受到,遭到
  3. 认为
  4. 提交,提出,提供
  5. 呈递,呈送,递交
  6. 使经受,甘受,忍受,承受,接受,受
  7. 【律】建议
  8. 请求判断
  9. 拜服,归顺,屈服,顺从,服从,屈从,听...话,向...让步,唯唯诺诺
  10. 委托
  11. 认输,投降
  12. 不得已接受
  13. 申辩
  14. 听从,遵重
  15. 谦恭


  1. vt. & vi. 使受控制; 服从 put oneself under the control of another
  2. vt. 提出 put forward for opinion, discussion, decision, etc.


  1. refer for judgment or consideration;

    "The lawyers submitted the material to the court"

  2. put before;

    "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"

  3. yield to the control of another
  4. hand over formally
  5. refer to another person for decision or judgment;

    "She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues"

  6. yield to anothers wish or opinion;

    "The government bowed to the military pressure"

  7. accept or undergo, often unwillingly;

    "We took a pay cut"

  8. make an application as for a job or funding;

    "We put in a grant to the NSF"

  9. make over as a return;

    "They had to render the estate"

  10. accept as inevitable;

    "He resigned himself to his fate"


  1. submit a plan提供一个计划
  2. submit proof提供证明
  3. submit report提交报告
  4. submit term paper交论文
  5. submit problem提出问题
  6. submit proposal提出建议
  7. submit resignation提出辞职
  1. submit anonymously匿名送交
  2. submit passively过分屈从
  3. submit silently默默忍受
  4. submit tamely绝对顺从
  1. submit for交上去以便…
  2. submit to把…交上去,顺从…


  1. We will submit ourselves to the courts judgement.我们服从法庭的判决。
  2. We have to submit ourselves to discipline.我们必须遵守纪律。
  3. He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council.他将城市发展建议提交市议会。
  4. Please fill in and submit the form below.请填写并递交以下表格。
  5. I submit that more proof is needed to support the case.我认为这个案子需要更多的证据证实。
  1. They refused to submit to the unjust decision.他们拒绝服从这个不公正的决定。
  2. He submitted unwillingly to his mother.他不情愿地屈服于他母亲。


    submit的基本意思是“服从”,指顺从某人的意愿或权威,使自身无法反抗或失去了反抗的念头,强调在抵抗了另一人的意志后确认反抗不会奏效而绝对的服从。 submit还可表示“提出”“认为”,作“认为”解时是法律术语。 submit可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或that从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。 submit的过去式和过去分词均为submitted。