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2024-02-12 08:14:16
美[sʌbɒfɪs]  英[sʌbɒfɪs]
n.  分办事处;支局;分局


  1. On the third day, I reached a suboffice of the Border Region government. 这是难得的瞧热闹的机会,大家看得十分带劲儿。
  2. The headquartered in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, and the suboffice is in Japan and Macau. 公司的总部在广东珠海,在日本、澳门和顺德都有分公司。
  3. Our company is located in Bao`an district in Shenzhen, and also with a subsidiary company in Chongqing city , a factory in Dongguan city and a suboffice in Europe. 公司位于深圳市宝安区,分公司位于直辖市重庆市,工厂位于东莞市。
  4. railway suboffice 铁路邮政支局
  5. railroad suboffice 铁路分局