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2024-02-12 08:50:16
美[sʌbˌriːdʒən]  英[sʌbˌriːdʒən]
n.  亚区


  1. For the recent more than a decade, the economic cooperation in the Mekong subregion has made a rapid headway. 近10多年来,湄公河次区域经济合作取得较快进展。
  2. In the internal subregion the field is formulated by traditional finite element method. 其中,对耦合面内子区域采用传统有限元法离散;
  3. Under the framework, China has actively participated in the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation. 在该框架下,中国积极参与了大湄公河次区域经济合作。
  4. Objective To study the fauna of Fanniidae (Diptera) in subregion Loess plateau of China. 目的调查研究我国黄土高原亚区厕蝇科昆虫种数、分布及区系特征。
  5. Premier Wen Jiabao is in Laos attending the third Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) summit which ends today. 温家宝总理在老挝参加第三次大湄公次地区峰会于今天闭幕。
  6. Objective: To identify the possible factors of suicide in the subregion of Transkei, South Africa. 目的:确定南非川斯凯亚区自杀的可能因素。