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2024-02-12 09:05:17
美[sʌbsɪ]  英[sʌbsiː]
adj.  海底的
adv.  在海底


  1. Run the subsea TV for monitoring. 下水下电视观察。
  2. Ensure subsea TV is in good condition. 确保水下电视处于良好的状态。
  3. Run subsea TV to observe bit entering the TGB. 下水下电视观察钻头是否进入导向基板。
  4. Land the TGB to sea floor and observe with the subsea television. 下基板到海底,用水下电视观察。
  5. COM]Advanced Marine Innovation Technology Subsea Ltd. 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [ADVANCEDMARINEINNOVATION.
  6. Monitoring subsea events and operations, sandface to the host facilities. 对海底状态和井底主要设备的操作进行监测。