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2024-02-12 09:38:17
美[səbstænʃəlɪzm]  英[səbstænʃəlɪzəm]
n.  [哲]实体论;本体论


  1. The study is based on Langers art symbolism and musical substantialism to inquire into her theory of musical aesthetics. 本论文以朗格的艺术符号学及音乐本体为基础,去探讨她的音乐审美理论。
  2. The development of philosophical paradigm explains the visual threshold of substantialism, and the study on this dialectical interactive relationsh... 哲学范式的变革诠释出本体论的视阈,对此辩证互动关系的研究具有重要理论意义。
  3. Therefore,it is important to study and research the theoretical dilemmas of genetic determinism,substantialism,subjectivism and the direction of genetic ethics. 同时,提出了基因决定论、实体论和主观论以及基因伦理走向何处等理论难题,需要认真研究和讨论。
  4. As the relationship between culture and mind is concerned, cultural psychology protests against substantialism and focuses on the active construction process. 文化心理学的基本主张在于:文化应该参与心理学基本理论的构建,成为心理学研究的基本视角;
  5. The theory of means which is represented as substantialism, theory of due process and theory of dispelling conflicts regards the criminal procedure as a means to realize the criminal law. 手段论则视刑事诉讼为实现国家刑法或刑罚权的工具,或为国家消解刑事冲突的一种手段,实体真实主义、正当程序主义和消解冲突论是其理论代表。
  6. In Lawrence s works, intuition and instinct are used as sharp weapons in his criticism of industrial civilization and his introspection and criticism of humanism in modern substantialism. 同时表明直觉和本能在劳伦斯笔下,不仅成为批判工业文明的锐利武器,而且还对近代本质主义的人本主义思维进行反思和批判。