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2024-02-12 09:56:17
美[sʌbstɪtjuːʃənərɪ]  英[sʌbstɪtjuːʃənərɪ]
adj.  代理的;取代的;代用的


  1. This is substitutionary atonement for sin. 请特别留意利未记16章,那里有提到为了罪而献上的、 替代性的救赎这个概念。
  2. Common substitutionary words are also listed below the fundamental usage. 可帮助外国人掌握最常用的交际汉语。
  3. It commemorates and declares our thanks for the Lords substitutionary death. 根据新约,浸礼只能以全身浸水来进行。
  4. The death of Christ is substitutionary and expiatory, reconciling and transforming. 基督的死是替代,也是赎罪,使人改变,也使人与神和好。
  5. The studied users is expansionary,not substitutionary .lts called broadening of information users in this article. 这种变化并不是替代性的,而是扩展性的,这可称之为用户对象的广泛化趋势。
  6. He died upon the cross, the just for the unjust, as a substitutionary sacrifice. 义者代替不义者,为世人之赎罪祭。