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2024-02-12 09:58:17
美[sʌbstɔːm]  英[sʌbstɔːm]
n.  [地]亚暴(地球磁层中的一种扰动)


  1. So far, technological hurdles have made it hard for scientists to precisely connect a substorm with its most probable cause. 目前止为,由于技术上的障碍,科学家们很难精确了解造成磁暴的最可能的原因。
  2. The key problem is if the ions upflow can really trigger the substorm onset? A 3-D resistive MHD simulation is carried o. 我们利用三维MHD方法首次对上行离子流触发的亚暴膨胀相起始过程进行了研究。
  3. Scientists call them substorm s, a part of larger storms of energy propel led from the sun at supersonic speeds toward Earth and elsewhere in the solar system. 科学家称它们亚暴,是规模更大的太阳能风暴的一部分,以超音速向地球以及太阳系其它地方推进。
  4. THEMIS data revealed that the February substorm was sparked by an explosion along field lines in Earths magnetic tail at a distance some 10 to 15 times greater than the planets diameter. “西弥斯”的数据显示,发生在二月份的磁暴来自一个沿着场力线尾部的爆炸,爆炸的范围约为地球直径的10到15倍。
  5. 3.Geomagnetic storm and substorm; 3.;地磁暴与亚暴;
  6. A relation between the auroral X-ray total intensity and the substorm index-AE X射线极光强度与亚暴指数AE的相关关系