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2024-02-12 10:09:16
美[sʌbsɪŋkrənəs]  英[sʌbsɪŋkrənəs]
adj.  次同步的(准同步的)


  1. Subsynchronous resonance (SSR) aroused by series compensation in power system should be effectively mitigated. 由串联电容补偿引起的电力系统次同步谐振(SSR)是1种恶性事件,必须有效地加以抑制。
  2. The HVDC transmission system may lead to subsynchronous oscillation under certain circumstances. 高压直流输电系统在一定条件下可能引发系统的次同步振荡。
  3. The SSR(subsynchronous resonance) possibility caused by series-capacitor compensation project in China Southern Power Grid is analyzed. 针对南方电网串补工程引发的次同步谐振的可能性进行了分析研究。
  4. An equivalence approach is developed in the paper for analyzing Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR) of identical generators operating in parallel. 提出了一种用于分析并列运行的同型多机系统次同步谐振(SSR)稳定性的等效简化方法。
  5. Graphical user interface of analyzing subsynchronous oscillations in power system with HVDC link[J].Electric Power,2005,38(1):23-26. HVDC输电系统次同步振荡(SSO)分析的GUI实现[J].;中国电力;2005;38(1):23-26
  6. Impact of HVDC control on subsynchronous oscillation of turbine-generator set[J].Power System Technology,2004,28(5):5-8. HVDC控制系统对汽轮发电机组次同步振荡的影响[J].;电网技术;2004;28 (5):5-8