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2024-02-12 10:16:17
美[səbtend]  英[səbtend]
vt.  [数]对着;对向;[植]包在叶腋内
  过去式:subtended  过去分词:subtended  现在分词:subtending  第三人称单数:subtends


  1. be opposite to; of angles and sides, in geometry


  1. In the daisy family the numerous bracts which subtend the inflorescence are known as an involucre. 在菊科植物中,苞片数目多而聚生在花序外围,称为总苞。
  2. Usually, two pairs of the fertile bracts in the middle of the cone subtend six ovules, which initiate in an acropetal manner. 在北京 ,雌球果原基 7月分化。 通常一个球果有 4对苞片 ,中部两对可育 ,靠球果顶端一对各产生一枚胚珠 ,其下一对各两枚。
  3. Planck will be able to measure CMB temperature differences as small as five millionths of a kelvin and detect hot and cold spots that subtend less than a tenth of a degree across the sky. 普朗克号将可测量到五百万分之一K的CMB温度差异,并侦测到天空上张角小于1/10度的冷热区域。
  4. Accuracy Analysis of Subtend Trigonometric Leveling and Determination of Weight Matrix for Adjustment of Elevation Mixed Network 精密测距三角高程精度分析及高程混合网定权