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2024-02-12 10:26:17
美[sʌbθreʃˌoʊld]  英[sʌbθreʃhəʊld]
adj.  低于最低限度的
n.  亚阈值


  1. Subsyndromal symptomatic depression (SSD) is a type of subthreshold depression. 亚综合征抑郁(SSD)属阈下抑郁的一种类型。
  2. Haloperidal combined with subthreshold morphine have analgesic action and no addiction. 吗啡与氟哌啶醇合用 ;在产生明显协同镇痛作用的同时 ;致成瘾性却比等效剂量吗啡低得多 .
  3. Objective To investigate the synergistic analgesic action of rotundine combined with subthreshold dose of dolantin. 摘要目的观察罗通定与阈下剂量哌替啶合用后对哌替啶镇痛作用的影响。
  4. The radiation-induced interface traps on BF+2 implanted Si-gate PMOSFET are measured using the subthreshold method. 利用亚阈测量技术对BF+2注入硅栅PMOSFET辐射感生界面陷阱进行了测量。
  5. High dose could function together with subthreshold dose of sodium pentobarbital to cause mouse sleep. 高剂量有协同阈下剂量戊巴比妥钠致小鼠睡眠的作用;
  6. Objective To observe the addiction of mice used haloperidal combined with subthreshold morphine. 目的观察氟哌啶醇与阈下剂量吗啡合用对小鼠成瘾性的影响。