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2024-02-12 10:36:16
美[sʌtl]  英[sʌtl]
adj.  微妙的;敏锐的;不明显的;精细的;狡猾的
  副词:subtly  比较级:subtler  最高级:subtlest  名词:subtleness


  1. 微妙的
  2. 巧妙的
  3. 敏锐的
  4. 狡猾的
  5. 精巧的
  6. 敏感的
  7. 稀薄的
  8. 不明显的
  9. 精细的
  10. 不易察觉的
  11. 人或其行为
  12. 头脑灵活的
  13. 难于捉摸的
  14. 难解的
  15. 阴险的(敌人)
  16. 精巧
  17. 妙的
  18. 绝妙的
  19. 隐约的
  20. 难捉摸的


  1. 微妙的;难以捉摸的;细微的 delicate;not easy to notice,understand,or explain
  2. 机智的;机巧的;狡猾的 (of a person or their behaviour) behaving in a clever way, and using indirect methods, in order to achieve sth
  3. 敏感的,敏锐的,有辨别力的 very clever in noticing and understanding


  1. difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze;

    "his whole attitude had undergone a subtle change" "a subtle difference" "that elusive thing the soul"

  2. able to make fine distinctions;

    "a subtle mind"

  3. working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way;

    "glaucoma is an insidious disease" "a subtle poison"


  1. There were subtle hints in his letter.他的信中有些微妙的暗示。
  2. What meaning will my subtle signal make?我的微妙信号表达了什么意思?
  3. She has a very subtle mind.她有个很敏锐的头脑。
  4. Satire is a high and subtle art.讽刺是一门崇高而又含蓄的艺术。
  5. He is such a subtle and careful observer.他是一位如此精细的观察者。
  6. He is a man of subtle and refined sensibility.他是个感情细腻的男子。
  7. I fall for that subtle plot every time!我每次都中了那狡猾的圈套。