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2024-02-12 11:45:16
美[sʌkətæʃ]  英[sʌkətæʃ]
n.  豆煮玉米


  1. fresh corn and lima beans with butter or cream


  1. For example, the very term "Indian corn" that the Englishmen used indicated a debt to the natives, as do the Indian-derived names for corn dishes such as com "pone", "hominy", and "succotash". 譬如英国人使用的“印第安人玉米”一词,即意味着受恩于土著人。 同样,取自印第安语的“玉米饼”、“玉米粥”和“豆煮新鲜玉米”等也一并包含着此义。
  2. For example, the very term " Indian corn " that the Englishmen used indicated a debt to the natives, as do the Indian -derived names for corn dishes such as com "pone", "hominy", and "succotash". 譬如英国人使用的“印第安人玉米”一词,即意味着受恩于土著人。同样,取自印第安语的“玉米饼”、“玉米粥”和“豆煮新鲜玉米”等也一并包含着此义。
  3. For example, the very term " Indian corn" that the Englishmen used indicated a debt to the natives, as do the Indian -derived names for corn dishes such as com "pone", "hominy", and "succotash". 同样,取自印第安语的“玉米饼”、“玉米粥”和“豆煮新鲜玉米”等也一并包含着此义。
  4. "that the Englishmen used indicated a debt to the natives, as do the Indian -derived names for corn dishes such as com "pone", "hominy", and "succotash". 譬如英国人使用的“印第安人玉米”一词,即意味着受恩于土著人。同样,取自印第安语的“玉米饼”、“玉米粥”和“豆煮新鲜玉米”等也一并包含着此义。