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2024-02-12 11:49:17
美[sʌkjʊbiː]  英[sʌkjʊbiː]
n.  女妖;妖魔


  1. So I suggest Z called A “white hair succubae”. 我就建议他也叫她白发魔女,没想到Z立马就拒绝了我的提议。
  2. I had thinking a few seconds, I said I have heard someone called her “white hair succubae”, I consider it was funny. 想了一会之后,我就说,我听过别人叫她“白发魔女“,我认为蛮好玩的。
  3. In other words, the author builds a three-dimensional female world in a unique style with the goddess, women and succubae as the carrier. 换言之,作者分别以女神、女人和女妖作为形式载体,立体化地营造了别具一格的女性世界。
  4. Succubae have the appearence of beautiful naked women with lether wings.They are able to enter the dreams of men to seduce and corrupt their souls. 夜魔们外表是裸体的美丽女子,长着一对皮质翅膀,她们可以进入男人的梦境并引诱和腐化对方的灵魂。