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2024-02-12 12:03:16
美[sʌkər]  英[sʌkə(r)]
n.  傻瓜;吸盘;吸管;<口>棒棒糖
  过去式:suckered  过去分词:suckered  现在分词:suckering  第三人称单数:suckers


  1. a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
  2. a shoot arising from a plants roots
  3. a drinker who sucks (as at a nipple or through a straw)
  4. flesh of any of numerous North American food fishes with toothless jaws
  5. hard candy on a stick
  6. an organ specialized for sucking nourishment or for adhering to objects by suction
  7. mostly North American freshwater fishes with a thick-lipped mouth for feeding by suction; related to carps


  1. You are a sucker to believe his stories.你居然相信他的说法,真是大傻瓜!
  2. John played the man for a sucker.约翰把那个人当作傻瓜。
  3. The dishonest businessman got hold of a sucker list and started out to sell his worthless stock.这位不诚实的商人掌握了一群易上当受骗的人,并开始向他们兜售自己那不值钱的货物。
  4. You stick this hook to the wall with a sucker.你用吸盘把这个钩子固定在墙上。
  5. An octopus has suckers on its tentacles.章鱼的腕足上有吸盘。