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2024-02-12 13:05:17
美[səfoʊʒən]  英[səfəʊʒən]
n.  [地]管流现象


  1. The mining of shallow coal bed in Shenfu Mine is seriously threatened by suffosion hazard of coal shaft. 神府矿区浅部煤层开采受到矿井溃砂的严重威胁。
  2. For preventing destabilization of the slopes, the original stable structures must be protected and the open form measures with function of the preventing suffosion should be selected. 6. 5.为防治斜坡失稳,首先应保护落石堆积的自稳结构和选用有防潜蚀功能的开放型措施;
  3. the suffosion calculating (with influence of various engineering) is most important task for stability evaluation. 5. 其稳定性评价应首先分析不同工程活动影响下产生潜蚀的可能性;
  4. Keywords disastrous accident;mine suffosion;controlling engineering;Shenfu mining area; 灾害性事故;矿井溃砂;防治工程;神府矿区;
  5. suffosion ( subsurface erosion) 潜蚀