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2024-02-12 14:01:17
美[sʌlfə]  英[sʌlfə]
adj.  [化]磺胺的;磺胺类的


  1. antibacterial consisting of any of several synthetic organic compounds capable of inhibiting the growth of bacteria that require PABA


  1. And similar to penicillin, many bacteria also have had a sulfa drug resistance. 和青霉素类似,很多细菌也对磺胺产生了耐药性。
  2. Long-term sulfa drug therapy usually helps; rehabilitation is usually also needed. 长期服用磺胺药物多半会有帮助;经常需要复健。
  3. After further experiments Domagk developed a drug from the red dye, and this was the first of the sulfa drugs. 杜马克继续试验,从红色染料中研制出了一种新药,这就是最初的磺胺药。
  4. Five kinds of sulfa drugs residues in eel were determined rapidly by RP-HPLC method simultaneously. 采用反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC),同时快速测定五种磺胺类药物残留。
  5. We report a patient with pulmonary nocardiosis who improved after sulfa drug and minocycline treatment. 在此我们报告一例肺部奴卡氏菌病经磺胺药物治疗痊愈的经过。
  6. Ethanediamine, sulfate (1:1);Ethylene diamine sulfate;ethylenediaminesulfate; 98%;Ethylenediamine sulfa ... 2-乙二胺硫酸盐(1:1);乙二胺硫酸盐;乙二胺硫酸、盐香港