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2024-02-12 14:22:17
美[sʌlfəˌnɪl]  英[sʌlfɪnɪl]
adj.  <美> = sulphinyl
n.  <美> = sulphinyl


  1. Several production methods,market demands and development of sulfinyl chloride are introduced in this paper. 本文介绍了氯化亚砜的生产方法、市场需求及发展前景。
  2. The production technology,consumption quota,product quality and wastes of both sulfinyl chloride and phosphoryl chloride are summarized. 概述了氯化亚砜和三氯氧磷的生产工艺、消耗定额、产品质量及“三废”情况,并对其进行了技术经济评价。
  3. Using ortho-bis(porpargyl alcohol) derivatives as starting materials, we employed sulfenyl or sulfinyl chloride under base condition to generate bis-allene intermediates. 所采用的合成方式以邻位二丙炔醇为起始物,在碱性环境中与次磺氯或亚磺氯作用生成丙二烯后,再经环化反应得多并苯化合物。
  4. This paper describes that synthesis of the cyclohexyl Sulfinyl chloride from the cyclohexanol by three technologies, and application in the antiscorching agent. 介绍了以环己醇为原料,用三种不同的工艺路线合成环己基次磺酰氯以及在防焦剂中的应用。
  5. The production technology,consumption quota,product quality and wastes of both sulfinyl chloride and phosphoryl chloride are summarized.Economic evaluation of simultaneous production of them is made. 概述了氯化亚砜和三氯氧磷的生产工艺、消耗定额、产品质量及“三废”情况,并对其进行了技术经济评价。
  6. SEI mechanism on graphite surface in presence of sulfinyl additives 亚硫酰基存在下石墨负极界面的SEI膜机制