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2024-02-12 14:25:16
美[sʌlfɒnəmaɪd]  英[sʌlfɒnəmaɪd]
n.  硫安类药剂


  1. antibacterial consisting of any of several synthetic organic compounds capable of inhibiting the growth of bacteria that require PABA


  1. The Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act of 1938 followed the Elixir Sulfonamide tragedy. 1938年的食品、药品与化妆品法是在发生万能药磺胺制剂之后出台。
  2. Do not take with sulfonamide since PABA interferes with the activity of the drug. 警告:不能和磺胺药物一起使用因为PABA会影响药性。
  3. The N-phenyl-N-benzoyl sulfonamide resin (5hb) was found to be regenerated three times without loss of their activity. N-苯基-苯甲醯基磺醯胺树脂重复使用3次没有发现活性降低。
  4. He introduced (1935) the use of Prontosil, the first sulfonamide antibacterial drug, as a cure for puerperal fever. 1935年成功的将新发现的抗菌药百浪多息用于治疗产褥热。
  5. Critric acid bacillus is high sensitivity on gentamycin,amikacin,kanamycin and cephalothin, is low sensitivity on pencillin,streptomycin,acheomycin and syntactic sulfonamide. 枸橼酸杆菌对庆大霉素、丁胺卡那霉素、卡那霉素、头孢类抗生素等高度敏感,而对青霉素、链霉素、四环素、复合磺胺等不敏感;
  6. A study on the effect of deep-frying at different times and temperatures on sulfonamide (SA) residues in chicken meat-balls has been carried out. 摘要本研究主要是探讨在不同温度及时间深度油炸鸡肉丸对磺胺剂残留之影响。