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2024-02-12 14:55:17
美[sʌlfədaɪəziːn]  英[sʌlfədaɪəziːn]
n.  [药]磺胺嘧啶


  1. Because their marketing sulphadiazine has entered, will put correspondingly the artistic threshold very much lowly. 因为他们的营销太先进了,相应地就会把艺术的门槛放得很低。
  2. Keywords sulphadiazine silver;sulphadiazine zinc;cream emulsion;preparation; 磺胺嘧啶银;磺胺嘧啶锌;乳膏剂;制备;
  3. Preparation of gel complex of recombinant human epidermal growth factor combined with silver sulphadiazine 重组人表皮生长因子复方抗菌凝胶的研制
  4. The Blue Star group purchases the French Luo Sulphadiazine Company organosilicon and the sulfide service 蓝星集团收购法国罗地亚公司有机硅及硫化物业务
  5. Keywords recombinant human epidermal growth factor;silver sulphadiazine;gel complex; 重组人表皮生长因子;磺胺嘧啶银;复方;凝胶剂;创伤修复;抗菌;
  6. "Sulfa drugs fight the germs of pneumonia, dysentery, meningitis, and other diseases. among the common sulpha drugs are sulphamerazine, sulphadiazine, and succinylsulfathiazole." 磺胺药物同肺炎、痢疾、脑膜炎和其它疾病的病菌作斗争。常见的磺胺药物有磺胺甲嘧啶,磺胺嘧啶和琥磺噻唑。