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2024-02-12 14:56:17
美[sʌlfəmeɪt]  英[sʌlfəmeɪt]
n.  氨基磺酸盐(氨基磺酸酯)


  1. Thus sulphamate electroplating technology was used to prepare nickel coating for the repair of the airplane parts. 氨基磺酸盐电镀镍工艺镀层内应力小、沉积速度快,且具有较好的结合力,可以很好地应用于飞机零件维修。
  2. Cathodic polarization curves of sulphamate basic lead, cadmium and lead -cadmiumelectrolytes were studied. 研究了在氨基磺酸盐体系中铅、镉和铅一镉镀液的阴极极化曲线。
  3. The adsorbability of Portland cement that was prepared by the clinker with different modulus and mineral composition for sulphamate superplasticizer was studied. 研究了不同率值、不同矿物组成的熟料制成的硅酸盐水泥对氨基磺酸盐高效减水剂的吸附性能。
  4. Nickel sulfate, nickel chloride, nickel fluoride, nickel acetate, nickel hydroxide, electrolytic nickel, nickel matte, copper sulfate, cobalt sulfate and nickel sulphamate etc. 硫酸镍、氯化镍、氟化镍、醋酸镍、氢氧化镍、电解镍、高冰镍、硫酸铜、硫酸钴、氨基磺酸镍。
  5. Conventional sulphamate series superplasticizer is modified by modified monomer so as to improve the water retention and to reduce the bleeding rate of water reducing agent. 选用改性单体对传统氨基磺酸盐系高效减水剂进行改性,以提高减水剂的保水性、减小泌水率。
  6. In the present study the rotating cylinder Hull cell has been utilized to evaluate the nickel sulphamate electrolyte.Experiments were carried out with various nickel sulphamate ... 本文利用旋转圆筒赫尔槽,采用不同的电解质浓度和旋转速度评价了氨基酸镍电解质溶液的性能,并测定了溶液的分散能力。