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2024-02-12 15:07:17
美[sʌlfəneɪt]  英[sʌlfəneɪt]
n.  磺化
vt.  使 ... 磺化


  1. Metal cleaning performance of geminate sulphonate surfactant was studied. 研究了双生磺酸盐表面活性剂的金属清洗性能。
  2. Study on the floatability of andalusite and mechanism of which with alkyl sulphonate as collecter was accomplished. 研究了红柱石的可浮性及其与捕收剂烷基磺酸盐的作用机理。
  3. Contents of the isomers in sodium metanitrobenzene sulphonate salt were analyzed by chemical methods. 用化学法分析间硝基苯磺酸钠盐中异构体的含量。
  4. This paper also discusses the method of determining petroleum sulphonate in crude oil by multi dimensional liq... 文中还介绍了用多维液相色谱法分析原油中的石油磺酸盐。
  5. High soap content of calcium sulphonate pos-sessed good adsorptivity, which was beneficial to rust inhibition of ... 碱值高,则中和性好,有利于防锈。
  6. SIPM wassynthesised by sulphonate,esterification,salinization from m phthalic acid,the overyield is82 6% . 以间苯二甲酸为原料,经磺化,酯化,盐析得98%25含量的间苯二甲酸二甲酯5磺酸钠,总收率826%25。