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2024-02-12 15:27:17
美[sʌltrinəs]  英[sʌltrinəs]
n.  闷热;焰热;纵情声色


  1. oppressively hot and humid weather
  2. the quality of expressing or arousing sexual desire;

    "the sultriness of her look was unmistakable" "the sultriness of lust was in the air"


  1. Sultriness is one of the most remarkable character of such desire. 纵情声色只是其中的杰出代表。
  2. During the entire Road Campus Program, not only the students left the classroom for sultriness, but also more and more people stood in the aisle. 在整个校园路举行期间,不仅没有同学因为教室的闷热而离开,反而越来越多人,站满了过道。
  3. Thus the tension is relieved.The union resolves the tension, just as falling rain relieves the sultriness preceding a thunderstorm. 因为冷静下来一看,发现并不是强盗,而是要和自己结婚的伴侣。
  4. He praised wild mountains and winter forests for their domestic air, in snow and ice he would find sultriness, and commended the wilderness for resembling Rome and Paris. 他赞美野山和冬天的森林认为它们有家的气息,在冰上或雪地他会找到湿感或性感,于是他要求旷野能像罗马和巴黎。
  5. It was during her performances in Kyoto that she also became known for her innovation: her nembutsu dance, in honor of the buddha Amida, tended to be known for its sultriness and sexual innuendo. 在京都表演期间,她也开始以创新而闻名:她为了敬拜阿弥陀如来佛创作的的念佛踊舞,以其纵情和性暗示闻名。
  6. Change of blood stream of infantile sultriness syndrome and clinic meaning 婴儿闷热综合征的脑血流变化与临床意义