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2024-02-12 15:44:16
美[sʌmərɪst]  英[sʌmərɪst]
n.  总结者;概括者


  1. Cleanroom technology is the real software producing process in IBM. In 1996,the SEI (Software Engineering Institute) in Carnegie Mellon University researched in it and became the summarist. 净室技术是IBM公司实际应用的软件生产技术,1996年由卡内基-梅隆大学软件工程研究所进行了系统总结和研究,提出了净室软件工程参考模型(CRM)。
  2. Cleanroom technology is the real software producing process in IBM.In 1996,the SEI (Software Engineering Institute) in Carnegie Mellon University researched in it and became the summarist. 净室技术是IBM公司实际应用的软件生产技术,1996年由卡内基-梅隆大学软件工程研究所进行了系统总结和研究,提出了净室软件工程参考模型(CRM)。
  3. His influence is very apparent on the followers including Zheng Guanying and Wang Kangnian.The second one, Liang Qichao, was the great summarist on Chinese academic research on Journalism. 随后本文进入核心部分,即对三位中国早期新闻思想史上的重要人物的新闻学论述及其影响进行详细剖析。