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2024-02-12 16:17:17
美[sʌmptʃuəsli]  英[sʌmptʃuəsli]
adv.  奢侈地;豪华地


  1. in a sumptuous and opulent manner;

    "this government building is sumptuously appointed"


  1. The hall was sumptuously decorated. 大厅装饰得富丽堂皇。
  2. The palace is sumptuously decorated. 宫殿被装饰得富丽堂皇。
  3. The bridal chamber is sumptuously decorated. 新房的内装修十分豪华。
  4. "There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. 有一个财主穿著紫色袍和细麻布衣服,天天奢华宴乐。
  5. This was one of the cold, sumptuously furnished rooms which Pierre knew, leading from the visitors staircase. 但是,就在这卧室的中央,摆着一只空浴盆,地毯上洒满了水。
  6. Summer sticks to her skirt sumptuously, in the shiny gray fabric hanging loosely from her curves. 她身上的裙子尽显夏天的艳丽,裙子闪亮的灰色裙料飘逸地从她的身体垂下。