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2024-02-12 16:18:16
美[sʌmptʃuəsnəs]  英[sʌmptʃuəsnəs]
n.  奢侈;豪华


  1. wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living
  2. the quality possessed by something that is excessively expensive


  1. No need to dwell on the sumptuousness of that feast. 更不用再说那肴馔之盛.
  2. The women and the girls are impassioned about the model, of comfort and sumptuousness. 爱的漫漫长路上,好象总会出现一个这样的坎,让女人成长。
  3. Because of Saddhuism Glanz deserted luxurious sumptuousness with no effort on building a fancy appearance. even when the premier visited the company in 2008 no show was put on to impress anyone. 因为“苦行僧”,格兰仕抛弃了奢华,不搞面子工程。即使2008年总理视察格兰仕,也没见格兰仕粉饰什么。
  4. and thlad in all the sumptuousness of Oriental apparel, and leading a woman who faltered at every step, followed. 晚上八点钟,他们已越过了文迪亚群山的主要山脉。
  5. and thlad in all the sumptuousness of Oriental apparel, and leading a woman who faltered at every step, followed 万一出乎意料,福克先生把它当作礼物送给我路路通,那岂不要难为死我了吗?
  6. Some Brahmins, clad in all the sumptuousness of Oriental apparel, and leading a woman who faltered at every step, followed 托钵僧的后面,有几位婆罗门僧侣。他们都穿着豪华的东方式的僧袍,正拉着一个踉踉跄跄站立不稳的女人往前走。