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2024-02-12 17:48:16
美[sjuːpəræd]  英[sjuːpəræd]
vt.  再加上(再添上)


  1. I have to superadd the budget expenses, in my opinion. 看来,我得追加预算开支啦。
  2. If the asset-backed securities are not adequate, during the period of repurchase, the pledgees are eligible to require the bondholders to superadd or replace the asset-backed securities. 如果回购期间出现质押券不足额情况,逆回购方可要求正回购方追加或置换质押券。
  3. The treatment is good, superadd the money I earned overseas; 待遇还不错,再加上我在国外的时候工作了一段时间也积累了一些积蓄。
  4. Even progress, which ought to superadd, for the most part only substitutes, one partial and incomplete truth for another; 而进步之处主要只在新的真理片段比它所代替的东西更见需要,更为适合于时代的需求罢了。
  5. solid superadd 固体超强酸