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2024-02-12 17:58:17
美[suːpəˌblɒk]  英[sjuːpəblɒk]
n.  <美>车辆禁行区(指都市内禁止车辆通行的住宅或商业区)


  1. Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt! 超级块或者分区表可能被破坏。
  2. Instead of placing LILO in the new Linux logical partition superblock, it is placed in the master boot record. 用户没有将LILO放在新的Linux逻辑分区超级块中,而是放在主引导记录中。
  3. A partition boot record is usually referred to as the partition root superblock. 通常将分区引导记录称为分区引导超级块。
  4. The superblock identifies the partition as a JFS aggregate, while the allocation map describes the allocation state of each data block within the aggregate. 超级块将分区标识成JFS聚集,而分配映射表描述聚集内每个数据块的分配状态。
  5. Yes, allocations can be larger, up to 64 KB if the Linux page size is 64 KB, but the alignment issues for the superblock, metadata regions and other issues still exist. 是的,它的分配可以更大,达到64KB,但是超级锁、元数据域的对齐以及其他问题仍然存在。
  6. Binary translation has a good performance because of the support of techniques such as code caching,native code execution,code block linking,dynamic hot-path superblock generation,etc. 动态二进制翻译由于拥有代码缓存、本地执行、代码块链接、动态热路径生成等优化技术的支持,有着很高的性能。