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2024-02-12 18:03:16
美[suːpəˌkɑːgoʊ]  英[suːpəˌkɑːgəʊ]
n.  货物管理员


  1. an officer on a merchant ship in charge of the cargo and its sale and purchase


  1. "All his ribs are smashed," the supercargo said. “他的肋骨都断了,”押运人说。
  2. "Isnt he a vile old beast!" the supercargo of the Malahini whispered to Peter Gee. “这个讨厌的老畜牲
  3. "But how could he have done so without your knowledge, Danglars, since you are the ships supercargo? “但假如他真这样做了,你怎么会不知道呢?
  4. Cornelius nodded to several of the soldiers, who led the supercargo away behind an avocado tree. 科尼利厄斯朝几个士兵点头示意,他们随即把押运人领到一株鳄梨树后面。
  5. The feather dropped on the curly light hair of a young man, whose Business it was to have a care for the goods-,supercargo they called him. 羽毛落到了一个监管货物的年轻人的卷发上,人们叫他监管兼代理。
  6. The feather came to rest upon the curly hair of a young overseer who looked after the goods aboard that ship - supercargo they called him. 幸运鸟的羽毛触到了他的额头,成了他手中的一支笔。