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2024-02-12 18:11:17
美  英
adv.  目空一切地(傲慢地)


  1. with a sneer; in an uncomplimentary sneering manner;

    "`I dont believe in these customs, he said sneeringly"


  1. Neither obsequiously nor superciliously we will behave . 既充满自信,讲究自尊,又善待他人,尊重对方。
  2. Thus the Rome official showed his arro**ce superciliously. 于是罗马官兵摆出一副高傲的模样。
  3. Thus the Rome official showed his arrogance superciliously. 于是罗马官兵摆出一副高傲的模样。
  4. Madame Defarge looked superciliously at the client, and nodded in confirmation. 得伐石太太昂然看着那被保护者,然后认可似地点点头。
  5. Through the window, we can see Michael is standing and talking to a manager like person who is sitting in the chair leaning backward superciliously. (从窗户往里看,我们看到迈克尔站着,跟一个经历模样的人说话,那个人斜靠在椅子上,很傲慢的样子。
  6. superciliously inspecting the city and its dwellers. 傲慢地检阅着志市和它的居民。