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2024-02-12 18:19:16
美[sjuːpəkəndʌkt]  英[sjuːpəkəndʌkt]
vi.  [物]显示超导(电)性;起超导(电) 体作用;无电阻导电


  1. Superconduct materials and application 2. 2.;生物医用材料;
  2. But theres a gotcha: its disappearance in overdoped materials that nonetheless still superconduct. 不过有个问题:它在过度掺杂但仍具有超导性的材料中消失了。
  3. The applications in luminescence,superconduct,chinaware,catalyst,magnetism and electrochemistry were also introduced. 同时对其在发光材料、陶瓷材料、催化剂、永磁材料和电化学中的应用进行了综述。
  4. Such materials could have limitless applications if they could be made to superconduct at room temperature. 如果能在室温环境下获得超导体,它将有无穷广阔的应用前景。
  5. Hudsons team is focusing on the state of matter that exists at temperatures just above the temperature at which materials start to superconduct. 哈德森的团队正在关注物质略高于其超导临界温度的状态。
  6. Coronal and transverse scan parallel with the radial and net fat pipeline in the phantom was performed at sequence of cranial FSE T2WI by Marconi 1.5T superconduct MRI machine. 以Marconi1.;5T超导型磁共振仪采用头部FSET2WI序列;分别对2个模体行平行于辐射状和网格状油脂管冠位面扫描和垂直于上述各面的横断位扫描;然后进行冠状面DRR重建。