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2024-02-12 18:40:17
美[sjuːpərempɪrɪkəl]  英[sjuːpərempɪrɪkəl]
adj.  超经验的


  1. However, it expressed the superempirical essence of justice more convincingly for the trial in the hell was associated with Buddhist view of practice and Confucianist view of destiny. 无论是游历冥府所见各种阴森恐怖的“果报”,还是亲见阎罗王冥府判案,其实质都暗含着“天理昭彰”的内容,只是地狱审判和佛教的修行观、儒家的天命观相联系,更能表现出正义的超验属性。
  2. The third part (the superempirical picture)was on the works of Kafkas picture of labyrinth, the picture of law and the picture of soul and analysied the authors experience about art and life. 第三部分(超验图景)从卡夫卡笔下的“迷宫”图景、“法”的图景、“灵魂”图景入手,分析作家对艺术与生活的体验。