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2024-02-12 18:54:17
美[suːpəfɪʃlnes]  英[suːpəfɪʃlnes]
n.  肤浅


  1. To make them feel no shame for superficialness and peacockery. 让他们不以肤浅、虚荣为耻。
  2. How our confidence is such superficialness except God!! 除了神我们的信靠就那么肤浅么!
  3. Otherwise, their education and reading were not marked, but had the American superficialness, and their studies were solitary. 除去这点,他们的学历和研究并无惊人之处,反倒有美国人的浅薄;何况彼此又互不通气。
  4. Like someone who works for the whole hunam being .Nowdays ,a lot of youth like the moviestart ,I think it is superficialness. 现在,有很多的年轻人喜欢把明星作为自己的偶像,我想这是很肤浅的。
  5. Linmiaoke is what the public gets for its superficialness....some of us dont know how to appreciate true talent like Peiyi This is just how complicated people are. 就事论事,林的表演和 笑容现在看来的确非常 假仙。唱歌也很油条。不过还是抱着爱护小朋 友的心情去欣赏她们吧 ,祝他们都健康快乐的 成长。
  6. From the standpoint of TV industry development, vulgarity, superficialness and other phenomena of twisting or violating audience’s standard points of view are very common. 而从中国电视发展的大环境来看,受众、媒介、社会的进步,又迫使受众主体地位的提升刻不容缓。