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2024-02-12 19:14:17
美[suːpəhevɪ]  英[sjuːpəhevɪ]
adj.  超重的


  1. New views on the properties of superheavy nuclei are presented. 提出了一些新观点。
  2. Several important aspects in the cross section calculations for the synthesis of superheavy nuclei have been inquired. 因这些因素都可能对截面有数量级的影响,正确处理与否直接关系到超重核合成截面理论预言的可靠性。
  3. The influence of the half-lives of superheavy elements, the flow rate of carrier gas and other factors on the experimental results were discussed. 讨论了超重元素的半衰期、吸附态的周期、载气流量以及化合物的质量密度等对实验结果的影响及该理论模型的优点和待改进的地方。
  4. With the deformed relativistic mean field theory the properties of the superheavy nuclei (superscript 294)118 and (superscript 292)116 are studied. 摘要用形变的相对论平均场理论对超重核(上标294)118及(上标292)116的性质进行了研究。
  5. Potential-energy-surface calculations display that superheavy nuclei have in general much harder shapes than that of the nuclei in other mass regions. 位能曲面的计算结果显示,与其它区域的核相比,超重核的形状不易变化。
  6. The properties of some unknown nuclei are predicted and they will be useful for future theoretical and experimental researches of superheavy nuclei. 同时在计算中给出了未知核素基态性质的计算结果,可供以后在理论或实验上研究超重核时参考。