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2024-02-12 19:16:17
美[sjuːpəˌhiːlɪks]  英[sjuːpəhelɪks]
n.  [生化]超螺旋
  形容词:superhelical  副词:superhelically  名词复数:superhelixes


  1. Fig.5 The Linear and superhelix DNA of PBS plasmid,L:linear DNA,SU:superhelix DNA. 图5PBS质粒的线状及超螺旋DNA结构,SU:为DNA的超螺旋结构,L:为DNA的线状结构。
  2. After absorption, prulifloxacin is metabolised by esterases to ulifloxacin, which inhibits the formation of superhelix, cell division and reproduction by interfering the DNA toposomerase. 本品为前体药,其活性代谢产物通过阻碍DNA拓扑异构酶使细菌DNA无法形成超螺旋,导致细菌细胞无法分裂繁殖。
  3. specific linking difference(superhelix density) 比连接差
  4. specific superhelix; 比超螺旋;
  5. negative superhelix 负超螺旋
  6. negative superhelix structure 负超螺旋结构