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2024-02-12 19:20:16
美[sjuːpəˌhaɪ]  英[sjuːpəhaɪ]
adj.  超高的


  1. Another superhigh building has sprung in our city. 又一座摩天大楼在我们的城市之中耸立起来。
  2. His electronic superhigh way is 12meters wide and 4.5meters tall. 他的作品-电子超高速公路有12米宽,4.;5米高。
  3. The Frequencies any probably too sound, but are possible added superhigh. 这些频率可能很稳定,但是也可能被极大增强。
  4. Arc furnace of superhigh power has great influence on the electric net-work. 超高功率电弧炉对电网的影响较大。
  5. Superhigh profit margin, it is one of characteristics of network game. 超高的利润率,是网络游戏的特点之一。
  6. Intensive MultipleCropping for Superhigh Yield: Major Way to Develop Food production of China in the 21st Century. 集约多熟超高产21世纪我国粮食生产发展的重要途径。