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2024-02-12 19:41:17
美  英
adv.  最高地;无上地


  1. to a superlative degree


  1. He is positively lovely, and superlatively the loveliest.There is variety in his charms. 同样地,心灵中的每种感觉都向耶稣存著感激之情。
  2. The play only needs three superlatively good actors and four or five supporting cast. 这出戏只要有三个最优秀的男演员和四五个配角就够了。
  3. The superlatively discreet foreign-exchange banker diversified from the very beginning, selling antiques and procuring loans. 过度谨慎的外汇银行家从最初就在搞多元化,兼营古玩和获取贷款。
  4. Objective To explore the cause and solution of venous reflux disturbance in neurocutaneous vascular resupinated island flap of superl area. 目的探讨较大面积皮神经营养血管蒂逆行岛状皮瓣发生静脉回流障碍的原因及处理方法。
  5. I cannot recall a single author of whom I have read everything-even of Jane Austen. I have never never seen Susan and The Watsons, one of which I have been told is superlatively good. 我不记得曾否读完任何一位作家的全部著作,即使简·奥斯汀也不例外。我从未看过《苏珊》和《沃森一家》,其中有一本是绝好的书。
  6. Of physical life they lived very little. She had to superintend the house. But the housekeeper had served Sir Geoffrey for many years, arid the dried-up, elderly, superlatively correct female you could hardly call her a parlour-maid, or even a woman.. 他们的物质生活是很少的。她得监督家务。那多年服侍过佐佛来男爵的女管家是个干枯了的毫无苟且的老东西。她不但不象个女仆,连女人都不象。