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2024-02-12 19:42:16
美[ˌsuːpəlætɪs]  英[sjuːpəlætɪs]
n.  超结晶格子(超点阵)


  1. LO phonon modes in ZnSe-ZnTe strained-layer superlattice[J]. 引用该论文 崔捷;王海龙;干福熹.
  2. Investigation of Quantum Well Lasers which Have Superlattice Buffer Layers[J]. 引用该论文 张福厚;宋珂;邢建平;郝修田;曾一平.
  3. We knew that this superlattice had very interesting electrical properties. 超晶格是由许多层砷化镓和砷化镓铝,像总汇三明治那样堆叠而成。
  4. The bands of superlattice (GaAs)_1-(GaP)_1 along three main symmetry lines in the Brillouin zone are presented. 本文计算了超晶格(GaAs)1-(GaP)_1布里渊区中三条主要对称线上的能带;
  5. The Concept of man--made Superlattice was first presented based on the quan-tum theory by Leo Esaki and Ray Tsu in IBM. 人工超晶格的概念是1970年美国IBM的科学家Leo Esaki和Ray Tsu根据量子理论首先提出的。
  6. Tunable THz Bloch oscillations (BO) in the superlattice and THz current oscillations in RTS are investigated. 研究了超晶格中的THz布洛赫振荡和共振隧穿结中的THz电流振荡特性。