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2024-02-12 20:00:16
美[suːpɜːnəl]  英[sjuːpɜːnəl]
adj.  天堂的;天上的


  1. being or coming from on high;

    "interpret the plague as a visitation from heaven, a supernal punishment for the sins of men"

  2. of heaven or the spirit;

    "celestial peace" "ethereal melodies" "the supernal happiness of a quiet death"


  1. Of thy supernal sinusoidal spell? 岂知你崇高的正弦魅力乎?
  2. The supernal ideology will not coexistence with the everyman. 超凡的思想是不会与凡夫俗子共存的。
  3. It is the soul that Awakens and yearns to ascend to the Supernal World. 由于灵魂的存在,才有了觉醒和升华至上界的渴望。
  4. Demesne: A place imbued with Supernal power by way of one or more soul stones. 领地:通过一颗或多颗灵魂石灌注上界之力的区域。
  5. As for me, I say not this of all of them, but of the great supernal Gods. 就我来说,我不是说智慧的全部,而是超自然的上帝。”
  6. Put in something about the Supernal Oneness. Dont say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness. 说一点天上的一元论,千万别谈地狱的二元论。