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2024-02-12 20:09:16
美[sjuːpəˌɔːdə]  英[sjuːpəɔːdə]
n.  [生]总目


  1. (biology) a taxonomic group ranking above an order and below a class or subclass


  1. Ground sloths are a diverse group of extinct sloths, in the mammalian superorder Xenarthra. 巨型地獭,居住在数万年前的阿根廷彭巴斯大草原,又名美洲大地懒。
  2. Ground sloths are a diverse group of extinct sloths in the mammalian superorder Xenarthra. 巨型地獭,居住在数万年前的阿根廷彭巴斯大草原,又名美洲大地懒。
  3. Ostariophysi Superorder of teleosts characterized by the presence of Weberian apparatus; includes the carps, minnows, catfishes and loaches. 骨鳔首目硬骨鱼的首目,是藉由有韦伯氏器的特徵而描述的,包括鲤鱼类、鲤科小鱼类、鲶鱼类与泥鳅类。
  4. Of or relating to the superorder Labyrinthodontia,an extinct group of amphibians resembling crocodiles and having a labyrinthine tooth structure. 迷齿亚纲动物有迷齿纲总目的动物或同迷齿纲总目有关的动物,是一群与鳄鱼相象的已灭绝两栖动物,长有结构复杂的牙齿
  5. Of or relating to the superorder Labyrinthodontia, an extinct group of amphibians resembling crocodiles and having a labyrinthine tooth structure. 迷齿亚纲动物有迷齿纲总目的动物或同迷齿纲总目有关的动物,是一群与鳄鱼相象的已灭绝两栖动物,长有结构复杂的牙齿
  6. Squalomorphii The neoselachian superorder Squalomorphii, including the hexanchoid, squaloid, squatinoid, pristiophoroid, and batoid sharks. 棘鲛首目新鲨的首目棘鲛首目,包括六鳃鲛、棘鲛、琵琶鲛、锯鲛与鳐鲛。