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2024-02-12 20:11:17
美[ˌsuːpəɔːgænɪk]  英[ˌsjuːpərɔːgænɪk]
adj.  超有机性的;形而上的;精神上的


  1. Culture is superorganic and superindividual. 文化是超机体和个人的。
  2. The superorganic sports spirit/ self-perfection and exceeding of the human, the embryonic mark of life rational spirit. 运动精神/人类自我完善与超越的形而上,生命理性精神萌发的标识。
  3. To cultivate a leader, we should build his superorganic characters, such as his personality, wisdom, judgment, apprehension, will power and kindness. 才全者的养成,我们应该训练他们的品格、智慧、判断能力、理解力、毅力、慈悲等形而上的才能及个性。
  4. However, Dual Inheritance theorists charge that both disciplines too often treat culture as a static superorganic entity that dictates human behavior. 然而,双继承理论家指责这两个学科往往将文化作为一种决定人类行为的、静态的、超个体的实体来看待。
  5. When we rethink the present dwelling directed by this topic, we find that the various Verdeckens such as breaking away things and nature, superorganic and people-oriented. 而在此主题视开下反思人们当下之“居”,却是脱物、脱自然、形而上和人类中心主义的种种遮蔽。
  6. Xuxu was a writer whc paid much attention to individual existence and persisted in seeking the superorganic meaning of life, which can be found in his novels. 徐訏是一位注重个体生命感受并执著于生命形而上意义探求的作家,从他的小说创作中我们能感受到这一以贯之的思想诉求。