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2024-02-12 20:26:17
美[ˌsuːpərpoʊz]  英[ˌsuːpəpəʊz]
vt.  把 ... 放在上面; [数]使叠置
  过去式:superposed  过去分词:superposed  现在分词:superposing  第三人称单数:superposes


  1. place (one geometric figure) upon another so that their perimeters coincide
  2. place on top of;

    "can you superimpose the two images?"


  1. "Superpose" is a set of software tools for analysis of medical images. 是一组分析医学影像的软件工具。
  2. Type of a flight of stairs builds a small stair in the balcony, place flowerpot superpose. 阶梯式在阳台搭建一个小楼梯,将花盆摆放在上面。
  3. Hang clothes tree simply, it is OK to let satchel, clothings, cap superpose, also be good idea. 一个简单的挂衣架,让书包、衣物、帽子都可以放在上面,也是不错的想法。
  4. The hardware design with variable and invariable character superpose are realized without MCU and software program. 给出了固定字符叠加和可变字符叠加部分的硬件电路设计,采用纯硬件电路实现,无须使用单片机,无须软件编程。
  5. Such a particle does have a well-defined quantum state even though that state may superpose different classical states. 在那种情况下,粒子依然有明确的状态,只不过它可能是不同古典状态的叠加而已。
  6. Therefore, the ‘front-subtract and back- superpose’ model is established to analyze the interaction between piles. 这两种效应应该是同时存在,且相互影响的,根据这一结果,本文提出了“前折减后叠加”的群桩分析模型。