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2024-02-12 20:40:17
美[ˌsuːpəsætʃəreɪʃən]  英[ˌsuːpəsætʃəreɪʃən]
n.  过度饱和


  1. Supersaturation of Water Vapor in Clouds. 云中水汽的过报和。
  2. Condensation occurs when the supersaturation is positive. 当过饱和是正值时,则出现凝结。
  3. A drop zero radius would require an infinite supersaturation to maintain it. 要使一个半径为零的液滴保持下去将需要无限大的过饱和度。
  4. What determines a particles potential for nucleation is its "critical supersaturation". 粒子的“临界过饱和”决定了它的成核潜力。
  5. These processes include drug entrapment/dissolution in the matrix, drug recrysallization, and supersaturation. 这些过程包括药物在基质中的包埋/溶出,药物再结晶和过饱和。
  6. The "supersaturation ratio" is the ratio of the excess vapor density to the saturation value. “过饱和比”是超过饱和值的蒸汽密度与饱和值的比。