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2024-02-12 20:42:17
美[sjuːpəskeɪl]  英[sjuːpəskeɪl]
n.  超标量


  1. Analysing causation of Iron Ion superscale in one Brine and its harm, take steps to solve it. 分析了一次盐水中铁离子超标的危害及成因,采取了根除铁离子超标的技改措施。
  2. Formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and radioactive pollution superscale have seriously affected peoples health. 甲醛、苯、氨气和放射性污染超标已经严重影响了人们的健康。
  3. Recycled waxes by holding deposition at home cannt meet the requirements of wax performance,especially dramatical superscale in ash content. 国内回收模料采用静置沉降法,不能保证模料的性能要求,尤其是灰分严重超标。
  4. There is serious superscale of SO2 during the heating period in Beijing, which greatly exceeds Class 2 of the national standards. 北京市区采暖期二氧化硫污染严重,大大超过国家二级标准。
  5. Patterns in architecture allow for accelerated development of superscale cloud architectures by providing repeatable solutions to common problems. 模式架构提供可重复的方式解决共同的问题,从而得以加速开发超级云架构。
  6. According to the concentration superscale of each evaluation index,defines the computing formulas of index proportions,and then calculates index proportions through it. 首先根据各评价指标浓度的超标值,定义了权重计算公式,从而确定每种评价因素的权重。