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2024-02-12 20:45:16
美[ˌsuːpəsɪkrɪt]  英[sjuːpəsiːkrɪt]
adj.  绝密的


  1. Sadly, the cause of all this mindless panic was a routine rocket launching from the supersecret military space center at Plesetsk in northwest Russia. 可悲的是,造成这一切的盲目恐慌是一次例行火箭发射的supersecret军事航天中心在俄西北部的普列谢茨克。
  2. Eavesdroppers at the supersecret National Security Agency had picked up at least two electronic intercepts indicating the terrorists had ties to bin Laden. 美国国家安全局至少截获了两条信息指示这次恐怖事件与本拉登有关。