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2024-02-12 20:52:16
美[ˌsuːpəsensətɪv]  英[ˌsuːpəsensɪtɪv]
adj.  过敏的


  1. having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility (especially to a specific factor);

    "allergic children" "hypersensitive to pollen"


  1. I dare say you think me eccentric, or supersensitive, or something absurd. 你当然要说我这是乖僻古怪,或者说过于敏感,或者说荒庭不经的了。
  2. The supersensitive combination of new sulfenamide compounds with sensitive dye in practical emulsions was studied. 研究了系列新型亚磺酰胺类化合物与增感染料在实用照相乳剂中的超增感作用。
  3. His temperament was high-strung, for he was supersensitive to all the winds of joy and sorrow, both moral and physical. 他的性情容易兴奋,对所有的欢乐与悲伤都特别敏感,不管是精神上还是身体上。
  4. "I think that he meant supersensitive, in the sense of heightened awareness," Rachlin said. 拉其琳认为:"我觉得他的意思是超感知能力;也就是说一种高度的警觉.;"
  5. In accordance with these matrixes, the conceptdesign of the supersensitive mass spectrometer beam line for HI-13 tandemaccelerator was calculated. 井依此为根据设计了HI-13串列加速器的超灵敏质谱管道。
  6. The concept relies on the fact that the ear not only senses sound but also makes noises of its own, albeit at a level only detectable by supersensitive microphones. 这一设想的依据是:人耳不仅只是感知声音,它自己也同时在发出声音,即使其强度只有超灵敏拾音器才能侦测到。