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2024-02-12 21:04:17
美[suːpərsteɪt]  英[suːpəsteɪt]
n.  超级大国;整体主义国家


  1. 超级大国
  2. 整体主义国家
  3. 超大国
  4. 超级强国
  5. 政治共同体
  6. 超国家
  7. “老子”国
  8. 极权主义国家


  1. He would like a loose free-trade zone instead of what he sees as a nascent superstate. 克劳斯想要的是一个宽松的自由贸易区,而不是一个新生超级大国(至少他是这么认为的)。
  2. Thats because, if ratified, it will become the decisive act in this creation of a federal European superstate with its capital in Brussels. 这是因为,一旦该条约生效,将在整个欧洲建立一个以布鲁塞尔为首都的超级欧洲联邦国家。
  3. Its European neighbors, by contrast, their histories indelibly stained by tyranny, military defeat, and imperial barbarity, seem eager to subsume themselves in a suffocating superstate. 两相对比,它的欧洲邻居们的历史上都有不可洗刷的污点:暴政、战败和帝国主义行径,看起来它们似乎正在迫不及待的把自己并入一个令人窒息的超级大国。
  4. True federalists actually saw the Treaty of Rome as a move away from the building of a European superstate that they had hoped would develop from the European Coal and Steel Community, set up in 1951. 忠实的联邦主义者亲眼见证了,1951年成立的欧洲钢铁共同体演变成了《罗马条约》,条约的订立朝建立他们所期望的超国家的欧洲政府迈出了一步。
  5. Mr Blair, moreover, shares many of the principles that the Tories presumably want the new figurehead to project: he is a free-marketeer, an Atlanticist and an opponent of a European superstate. 再者,布莱尔享有更多保守党所希望的傀儡总统的特点:他是自由市场论者,还是一位大西洋主义者并且反对一个超国家的欧盟。
  6. The Idea of a European Superstate: Public Justification and European Integration 欧洲超大国概念:公共论证与欧洲一体化