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2024-02-12 21:45:17
美  英
adv.  仰卧地(掌心向上地;因循地)


  1. with the face upward;

    "she was stretched supinely on her back"

  2. in an indifferently supine manner;

    "he called the tune to me and I supinely took it up"


  1. He called the tune to me and I supinely took it up. 他给我起了个调子,我就无精打采地按照这个调子演奏了起来。
  2. I supinely begin look goes against beautiful scene, unconsciously infatuateds. 我仰起头看着顶上的美景,不觉痴迷。
  3. That doesnt mean that you should rest supinely at your Base and let the Lord provide. (那并不意味着你仅仅躺在地上,面朝上天就只等上天的帮忙。
  4. Another kind is the male lies down supinely, the female kneels sits between its both legs, or above face. 另一种是男性仰躺,女性跪坐在其双腿之间,或脸部上方。
  5. How to turn the supinely passive into the nimbly active-- thats the big problem[6]. 如何把呆板的消极词汇变成灵活的积极词汇,这是个大问题。但有关行内的议论,就说这么多吧。
  6. Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? 我们高枕而卧、苟安侥幸,等到敌人使我们束手就擒时,我们就能找到有效的御敌办法?