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2024-02-12 22:26:17
美[səpɒzɪtɪv]  英[səpɒzɪtɪv]
adj.  想像的;假定的


  1. The paper is a study of the suppositive artistic feature in Aitmatov"s works. 本论文主要研究艾特玛托夫小说的假定性艺术特征。
  2. It is only suppositive to practice your Chinese, impossible to be ture. You should say: 没有, 我不养宠物 or: 有,我养了一只狗。
  3. The first part is an analysis in the relevent relationbetween the suppositive forms and Bulgakov"s criticism upon reality. 本文对青铜时代广泛流行于东北地区的石棺墓遗存进行了系统的综合研究。
  4. A mathematical model of tide zoning correction is proposed.Based on the computational model, a new tidal correction mode using single suppositive grid tide station is designed. 摘要提出了一种顾及潮时差变化的多验潮站多边形潮汐分区改正数学模型,设计了海量多波束数据通用的虚拟单验潮站改正模式。
  5. Popes theory goes against this traditional theory and proposes that knowledge is suppositive and indefinite, and that we should give up the seeking of its definiteness and help increase knowledge in the critical refutation of knowledge. 波普一反传统知识论追求确定性知识的思路,认为全部的知识都是猜测性的、具有不确定性,我们必须放弃对确定性以及知识的可靠基础的寻求,在批判的反驳中推进知识的增长。
  6. Observation on Prevention of Postpartum Bleeding by Sublingual Administration of Methyl Carprost Supposit ory 舌下含服卡前列甲酯栓预防产后出血的观察